
The Durango High School Science Department strives to meet the needs of each student at DHS. Our Science Curriculum and teaching methods are designed to prepare students for an increasingly technological society where citizens understand the nature of science and its relationship to, as well as its impact on, society. Our graduates must, at the very least be informed citizens who have the science literacy to contribute to the world and make sound decisions about self and community. Moreover, we strive to challenge our very brightest students who may be future scientist that will help lead mankind into the next millennium. Therefore, the curriculum is designed with choice in topics and levels so students may prepare themselves for the future while challenging themselves in areas of interest.

One of our goals is to provide students with a foundation of science knowledge that can help them make sound life choices, as well as give them a base upon which they may build. To that end, we strive to provide opportunities to practice problem solving and critical thinking, in addition to hands-on, inquiry-oriented laboratory experience that will help students develop skills needed to be contributing members of society. We take pride in challenging students of all levels to develop skills and knowledge that can be used to transform them from being not only functioning members of society, but perhaps to people keenly interested in the sciences. The Science Curriculum is also designed with choice for students interested in the sciences and we take pride in challenging the best and brightest young people at DHS to reach high and become leading professionals who use their science background in their chosen field.

Science is an area where we can use a student’s natural curiosity and interest as a tool to assist us in the continual evaluation, adjustment, and refinement of relevant course offerings and requirements, while maintaining rigor in our expectations. We are dedicated to providing our students with the experience and knowledge necessary to make science useful in their lives; to help them learn new things, and to enable our students to improve not only their lives, but the lives of others.

The course offerings and requirements are continually being evaluated and adjusted to better meet student needs. Please see the links on this website for graduation requirement and suggested paths in science.