Citation Help

In a Works Cited page you will need to arrange items in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
When no author is listed, alphabetize by the first important word in the title.
Place the first line of each entry flush with the left margin and indent succeeding lines (hanging indent). Double-space each entry and between the entries.
Need help with creating a hanging indent in Google docs or Microsoft Word?
If a work has no author or editor, the citation should begin with the next thing in the citation. This is usually the title of the article or work.
Click this link for a template of a Google slide. It will help you create a Bibliography in modified MLA format to cite your websites. *Only use this modified format with your teacher's permission.
A great resource to help you double-check your MLA format is the citation guide at Reed Library at Fort Lewis College.
Here's how to cite a website in MLA Format (you still need to add the hanging indent):
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial. “Title of Article or section if using only part of the website.” Name of Website, Name of organizational sponsor (not advertising sponsor), date published or updated, URL. Date of access (needed if no date is found.).