DHS Student Council

What is Student Council?

The Durango High School Student Council (StuCo) develops leadership qualities among DHS students by providing services to the school and community. StuCo allows students to have a voice at DHS by addressing issues that are of concern to students. Members plan and organize activities and projects which educate, inform, and serve DHS students, faculty, and staff. StuCo also promotes school spirit and an attitude of cooperation between the faculty, administration and the student body. In addition, StuCo promotes community involvement through service projects that serve the Durango High School family and the surrounding community.

The Pillars of Student Council

The DHS StuCo bases all of its projects on the Pillars of Student Council. It can be explained as our “why” behind everything that we do and we are constantly trying to achieve these pillars. Of the three, our first pillar is representing student voice, which means planning events and providing resources for all of the needs we have at DHS. This looks like putting on Demon Day, which is an event that helps incoming freshmen feel welcomed, or sending out surveys to get student and staff input. Our second pillar is putting on quality events, which entails planning events that meet our goals. For example a quality homecoming event includes good advertising and communication, high attendance and energy, and is smoothly executed. Our final and third pillar is building personal leadership. This means giving the members of StuCo opportunities and experience in leadership positions to help them later in life. StuCo teaches its members how to excel at being a portrait of a graduate, it educates on how to be a confident communicator, empathetic collaborator, resilient risk taker, agile thinker, creative problem-solver and courageous leader.

Gold Council of Excellence

What is the Council of Excellence? As stated by the National Association of Student Councils, “The National Council of Excellence is a national award program created by NASC to recognize student councils that maintain strong year-round programs and work to improve their schools and communities through their leadership activities.” The DHS Student Council has been awarded as a National Gold Council of Excellence since 2010. A gold council goes above and beyond to meet certain criteria under the categories of Leadership, Service, Engagement and Student Voice to positively impact their school.

Who can be in Student Council and how do you get accepted?

Student Council is open to all students at DHS. All members must meet the following requirements:

Students must have had at least a 2.5 gpa with no F’s during the previous semester to being on council, and maintain the same standard each grading period during the school year. To run for an elected position you must attain 50 student signatures and a teacher recommendation letter. You will have to perform a speech to your class prior to being voted on. To become an appointed position you must submit an application, have a teacher recommendation and take part in an interview process with the student council advisor and the incoming executives.

Students must be willing to participate in StuCo and committee activities and fundraisers, attend business meetings, follow instructions, and work as part of a team.

Do you want to voice your opinion to StuCo? Come to our meetings!

DHS StuCo meets publicly every second Thursday of the month in the library! Join us to get a peek into what we are currently up to, and suggest on how we can do better!