Colorado's Free Applications Day$, Oct. 17 - 19

Colorado Free Application Day$ caps off Colorado Applies Month, a five-week campaign that guides 11th- and 12-grade students and adult job seekers along the application process. 

The statewide push is designed to increase Colorado’s college-going and FAFSA completion rates. Despite being one of the most educated states in the country, Colorado sent just 50.5% of 2020 high school graduates to a college, university or certificate program, and less than 50% of students submit a FAFSA application—a key indicator of students’ likelihood to continue their education.  

By removing barriers for students to achieve a credential, Colorado can increase the number of students who complete their programs and enter the workforce with a degree or competitive skills. Nearly 75% of Colorado jobs require a postsecondary credential. Colorado Free Application Day encourages residents to live up to their fullest potential. 

For more details, visit:

To apply without an application fee at participating Colorado institutions of higher education, CLICK HERE